Liberation War Minister visits Taramon Bibi at Dhaka CMH

Dhaka: Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Huq on Saturday visited Bir Protik Taramon Bibi at Combined Military Hospital (CMH) in the city.
The minister inquired about the health conditions of the valiant freedom fighter and asked the doctors to take necessary steps to ensure the best treatment during the visit.
Earlier in the day, Taramon Bibi was airlifted to Dhaka CMH from Rangpur CMH as her physical conditions deteriorated.
On Friday, she was admitted to Rangpur CMH with severe respiratory complexities coupled with cough.
Contacted, Taramon's son Abu Taher said his mother's health condition remained unchanged and doctors at the hospital suggested them to take her to Dhaka CMH for better treatment.
Earlier, she was taken to Rajibpur Upazila Health Complex for her suffering from respiratory complexities, Abu Taher added.
Taramon fought for the Mukti Bahini (Liberation Army) which was a guerrilla force that fought against the Pakistan military during the Liberation War in 1971.
She joined the war from her village home in Shongkor Madhobpur of Kurigram district.
She was in Sector 11 under the leadership of sector commander Abu Taher.