16 Rohingyas with HIV found, one dies

Cox’s Bazar: Around 16 Rohingya people having with HIV positive were found in Cox’s Bazar Sadar Hospital.
Doctor Shahin Abdur Rahman Chowdhury, a resource person of Rohingya camp and also a residential medical officer of the hospital, said that they have detected 16 patients infected with HIV since August 25.
Of them, nine patients are now undergoing treatment while treatment for the rest six will begin soon.
Meanwhile, one of the HIV patients died before starting the treatment, said the physician.
Abdus Salam, civil surgeon of the district, said that the number of patients having HIV is increasing.
He said that some 2,000 medical staffs, including 100 MBBS doctors, specialist doctors, internee doctors, medical students, are working for ensuring treatment at Rohingya camps.