Pragmatic movement necessary to oust govt: Dr Moyeen

Dhaka: BNP senior leader Dr Abdul Moyeen Khan on Wednesday said a pragmatic movement needs to be launched to ensure the fall of the current government.
‘The way the ruling party is running the country, no one is safe here now and no one has the right of freedom of expression. The government issues threats and files false cases if anyone raises voice against it,’ he said, reports the UNB.
Speaking at a discussion, the BNP leader further said, ‘A peaceful democratic process is the only way to oust this regime and get rid of the current situation. We must wage a movement with realistic plans.’
Nagorik Odhikar Andolon Forum arranged the programme at Dhaka Reporters’ Unity (DRU).
Dr Moyeen, a BNP standing committee member, said several thousand people sacrificed their lives for democracy over the last 10 years under the rule of the current ‘autocratic’ government.
He said their party chairperson Khaleda Zia has also been sent to jail in a ‘political’ case as she tried to restore democracy in the country.
The BNP leader said a fresh movement by Jatiya Oikyafront will be initiated to free Khaleda Zia from jail and ensure a fair election in the country. ‘I would like to urge all the leaders and activists of BNP and Oikyafront to have patience… we’ll surely achieve the victory.’
Nagorik Oikya convener Mahmudur Rahman Manna said it will not be possible to get Khaleda freed from jail without a strong movement.
Describing the current government as cruel a heartless one, he said no one should expect good attitude from it. ‘I think there’s no alternative to waging a movement to realise our demands.’