No bail for ex-MP Rana
Dhaka: The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court on Tuesday extended its previous order staying a High Court order that had granted bail to former Awami League MP from Tangail-3 (Ghatail) Amanur Rahman Khan Rana in a case filed over the killing of freedom fighter and AL leader Faruk Ahmed, reports the UNB.
The four-member Appellate Division bench, headed by Chief Justice Syed Mahmud Hossain, passed the order disposing of a petition filed by the state challenging the bail order.
Advocate Abdul Baset Majumdar stood for former MP Rana while Attorney General Mahbubey Alam and Deputy Attorney General Dr Md Bashir Ullah represented the state.
On March 25, the chamber judge of the Appellate Division stayed the bail order until March 31, sending the petition filed by the state to full-bench of the Appellate Division.
On March 14, the High Court granted bail to the former Awami League MP in the case.
Rana surrendered to the Tangail Additional District and Session’s Judge Court on September 18, 2016 ending his 22-month fugitive run in the freedom fighter murder case.
On January 18, 2013, Awami League leader Faruk was shot dead in front of his residence in the district town of Tangail.