IMED report reveals sluggish implementation of ADP

Dhaka: Some 88 projects saw no expenditure while in some 92 projects there was zero real progress in the Revised Annual Development Programme (RADP) of the last fiscal year (2013-14), although its implementation rate fared better with 95% success rate.
This was revealed at an implementation progress review report of the ADP for fiscal year 2013-14 submitted before the National Economic Council (NEC) meeting held on 10 March in the city, with NEC chairperson and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the chair.
The Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) of the Planning Ministry submitted the report.
Analysing the report, it was found that the revised ADP allocation against these 88 projects in FY14 were Tk 34.01 crore of which TK 0.66 crore were released. This was also 0.05% of the overall revised ADP allocation for the last fiscal year.
The report cited delay in invitation of tender bids for the newly included projects, non-responsive of the tenders, non‑availability of project loans, delay in release of funds, non-acquisition of land, problems relating to cases, revision of the DPP, delay in approval of the RDPP, delay in striking agreements with the donors and nominal allocation as some of the notable reasons for having zero implementation progress during the period.
Talking to UNB, an IMED official said that such trend indicates that the concerned Ministries and Divisions do not give due importance towards implementing all the projects under the ADP.
He said that concentrated efforts are needed from all concerned for ensuring proper implementation of the development projects under the ADP through utmost utilization of the country's resources.
The IMED report also showed that during the FY 14, a total of 92 projects witnessed zero real progress, or no infrastructural work, although Tk 21.78 crore were expended against these projects.
Out of these 180 projects that witnessed zero financial progress or zero real progress, Tk 1 Lakh was earmarked against each of some 52 projects in FY 14, but they saw now progress.
According to the IMED, about Tk 56,913.45 crore was spent in the last fiscal year out of the revised ADP allocation of TK 60,000 crore, raising the implementation rate to 95%.
Of the amount, Tk 38,116.20 crore was spent from the government exchequer which was 98% of the overall revised allocation in local resources. On the other hand, some Tk 18,797.25 crore was spent from the project assistance part which was also 89% of revised allocation from the project assistance part.
The report said that out of the total number of 1366 projects in the revised ADP of last year, the financial progress of 756 projects and the real progress of some 781 projects were laudable.
Besides, the financial progress of some 327 projects and the real progress of some 257 projects were satisfactory, the financial progress of some 81 projects while the real progress of some 116 projects were somewhat satisfactory, the financial progress of some 63 projects and the real progress of some 71 projects were not satisfactory while there was not much expenditure (4 percent) against 51 projects throughout the last year, and not enough physical works (4%) during the period in 49 projects.
In the last fiscal year, some 298 projects were kept for completion by June 2014, but the overall number of completed projects totalled 233. Of these, the project duration increased against 189 projects while the project cost increased against 86 projects.