Sheikh Hasina, Modi unveil 'The Unfinished Memoirs' Hindi edition

New Delhi: Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her Indian counterpart Narendra Modi on Saturday jointly uncovered the Hindi edition of the first autobiography of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman - 'The Unfinished Memoirs'.
They unveiled the cover of the book after the bilateral talks at Hyderabad House before giving a joint statement, reports news agency United News of Bangladesh.
The book was first published on June 18, 2012 in its original Bangla version "Oshomapto Atmojiboni" as well as in English.
The book is now available in Bangla, English, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, French, Urdu and Arabic languages.
Bangabandhu wrote the book while in prison from 1967-69.
In his autobiography, Bangabandhu described the context of writing it. He also narrated his life portraying ancestry, birth, childhood and social and political involvements in student life.
The two prime ministers also unveiled the plaque of 'Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Road' at the heart of the Indian capital named after Bangladesh's Father of the Nation.
Earlier, the road was known as Park Street.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in her statement thanked the Indian External Affairs Minister for naming the road after Bangabandhu.