‘Sonali Rice’ will reduce diabetes and cancer risk

Bangladeshi gene scientist and science writer Dr. Abed Chaudhury has invented a rice which is called ‘Sonali Rice’. It is not only help to control diabetes but also reduces the risk of heart diseases and cancer. This rice is approved by the Bangladesh Diabetes Association.
Gene scientist and rice researcher Abed Chowdhury said, ‘Various studies show that after eating simple rice blood sugar increases in human body. In the long run it creates impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). As a result, Diabetes, heart diseases and cancer can be seen.’
He said, ‘Sonali Rice’ maintains the blood sugar in human body so there is no possibility for impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Thus this rice reduces the risk of diabetes, heart diseases and cancer, said a press release.
Syed Noor Ahmed Daud (Saurav), Manager of the Hajipur Krishi Ghar, a marketing agency for this rice, said: ‘From the production to packaging of `sonali rice' quality is strictly controlled. So this rice is different and effective than other rice in the market.’
Sonali Rice is being supplied throughout the country including Dhaka city. Rice can be ordered at this number (01766-370703, 01746-533599) and customers can buy through this Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/sonalirice.sylhet). Sonali Rice is delivered to customers across the country through Sundarban courier service and SA Paribahan. The price of Sonali Rice is only Tk 100 per kg.