Youth Hub working through Trikonomiti Project

COVID 19 has a significant effect not only on food and economy but also on every aspect of our life. Buying Sanitary Napkin in Bangladesh is still a taboo.
Due to lockdown and the economic crisis, a lot of teenagers, mothers and young ladies are failing to buy sanitary pads. To solve this problem Youth Hub is Working through the Trikonomiti Project.
Youth Hub's Co-Founder Sumaiya Zafrin Chowdury said - " Due to insufficient usage of Sanitary Napkins causes severe infections, even cancer. In our country only some ladies are using Sanitary napkins. And for this coronavirus many are unable to go out from their houses and buy this valuable product for them. Due to our social taboo and misconception they are unable to ask help from the male members of their family.
That's why we took this initiative to reach out to unprivileged girls to provide free Sanitary Napkins, besides delivering different necessary personal items of ladies including sanitary pads without any service charge."
The period is a natural physical process for women, which relates to their good health. But in our country, this has been neglected. They maintain this with such secrecy, female members in the family doesn't know about it, not a chance to know for the male members. Most of our women feel shy or hesitant to ask their husbands, father, or brother to buy these products.
Many stay unhygienic in their period because of this. That is why only 14% of females use sanitary napkin.
To get sanitary napkins, hair remover cream, women razor and pregnancy test strip at home, you have to go to website, you can also order by visiting this Facebook group
After ordering, the volunteers will confirm you by calling and deliver you to your home very quickly. In addition, in this Facebook group, prominent women doctors are giving various suggestions about regular women's health topics.
One Frontier, Donate for Bangladesh, Jass International, and Turtle Venture are supporting the implementation of this project with Youth Hub.