UN pledges $ 1.2 bn for Bangladesh’s sustainable dev
Dhaka: The United Nations on Thursday signed an agreement with the government of Bangladesh pledging US$ 1.2 billion for the next four years.
The agreement, known as the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2017–2020, is also strategically planned to carry forward the legacy of the achievements of the MDGs.
Senior Secretary of Economic Relations Division Mohammad Mejbahuddin and UN Resident Coordinator in Bangladesh Robert D Watkins signed the agreement on behalf of their respective sides at the NEC auditorium in Dhaka.
Robert Watkins said that the UNDAF represents the commitment of the UN System to assist the government of Bangladesh in achieving its national development priorities presented in the 7th Five Year Plan, 2021 Vision, and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Mejbahuddin welcomed UN Country Team’s continued contribution in enhancing development of Bangladesh through technical and programmatic support.
He expressed that an early approach in designing joint plan of actions will be productive for timely implementation of the Framework and disbursement of the funds.
This agreement is generally prepared for five years. However, this time it is designed for four years to align with the government of Bangladesh’s development plan.
The next agreement again will be for five years, according to UN office in Dhaka.
The agreement reaffirmed the UN’s stance on promoting progress that influences people centric development, especially for those who are the most vulnerable; protection and sustainable management of environment as well as combating the impacts of climate change; and economic and social prosperity that is inclusive to all people of Bangladesh.
The UNDAF facilitates partnerships among UN System’s agencies, drawing on their comparative advantages, to support national development priorities, said the UN office.
The UN System will implement the new UNDAF through the provision of policy and advocacy, capacity development, technical assistance and facilitation of partnership building.
Central to this approach will be a horizontal and vertical whole-of-government approach that interacts with the UN’s quality assurance system for programming around the normative agenda.