Friends video Production premiers Abdullah Abu Sayeed’s Interview

Friends Video Production — a new infotainment based Youtube channel starts its journey on Pahela Boishakh by premiering an exclusive interview with noted educationist and founder of the Bishwo Sahitto Kendro Professor Abdullah Abu Sayeed. Taken at Sayeed’s rural abode in Narayangonj’s Pakunda village, the 40 minutes long interview grills the celebrated cultural personality about his write-ups, hesitation to write poetry, influence of Facebook among the young generation, ill effects of corruption in the society and many other contemporary issues. Sayeed opens up in the freewheeling conversation and shares many tidbits about his glorious life as a teacher and cultural icon.
Nazmun Aquib — Chairman of Friends Video Production says, ‘In this age of digital revolution, most of the Youtube channels are coming up with digital contents without much substance. They are focusing more about the viral trends rather than delivering quality contents that can benefit the society in a positive way. At Friends Video Production, we aim at producing quality infotainment based contents that can benefit our viewers.’
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