ULAB organized DIMFF 'Cine Carnival'

Dhaka International Mobile Film Festival 2024 has organized 'Cine Carnival'. The carnival was organized on the main campus of the University of Liberal Arts- Bangladesh (ULAB) February 12 to 14.
Saturday (February 17) This information was informed through a press release.
This carnival has been organized as the beginning of the 10th Dhaka International Mobile Film Festival. This year's Cine Carnival is sponsored by popular energy drinks Speed and organized by Fatty Bun.
The three-day carnival boasted 22 stalls, the themed photo booths to balloon shoots and cloud candy stations. Apart from this, Nagordola at the entrance, one of the attractions of the event. this Cine Carnival is a unique platform for festival participants to explore and celebrate the artistry of mobile filmmaking. This arrangement has created great enthusiasm among the students of ULAB informed through the release.
The 10th Dhaka International Mobile Film Festival will be held on March 3 and 4. This year, DIMFF has NTV Online as its online media partner. Print media partners are Business Standard, Desh Rupantor, Janakantha and Daily Star. And the venue partner is Star Cineplex.