Isolated IS militants may exist in country: Minister

Meherpur: Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Huq on Sunday said Islamic State, an Islamists militant group, may exist in the country discretely.
The minister, after inaugurating Muktijoddha Complex Building in Meherpur in the morning, said government does not found any possibility of the existence of united IS in the country.
The failures of the war of Independence in 1971 cannot accept the trails of war criminals which are now on the process, said Mozammel Huq.
He added, there might be local and international conspiracy behind the murder of two foreigners.
Government primarily suspected BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami’s involvement in the murders, said the minister.
Mojammel Huq said the construction of Mujibnagar Complex has been started again.
He expected that the construction complex will be completed before the Mujibnagar Day on 17 April.
The minister inaugurated the foundation stone of the complex at about 10:00am. Later, he talked with the freedom fighters at the community centre of the complex.
Deputy commissioner Shafiqul Islam, lawmakers of Meherpur 1 and 2 constituencies Farhad Hossain and Mokbul Hossain were also present during the meeting.