US with Bangladesh on Rohingya issue, Trump tells Sheikh Hasina

US President Donald Trump has said the USA is with Bangladesh on Rohingya refugee issue and it will see how this problem could be resolved.
‘On Myanmar issue (Rohingya issue) we’re with you,’ Trump told Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on the sidelines of the high-level meeting titled ‘Reforming the United Nations: Management, Security, and Development’ hosted by the US President at ESCOS Chamber of the UN Headquarters here on Monday.
Sheikh Hasina is now in New York to attend the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).
While briefing reporters, Foreign Secretary M Shahidul Haque said Trump also told Hasina that the US will see how the Rohingya refugee problem can be resolved.
This is the first time Trump made any remark on the Rohingya issue and this was also his maiden visit to the UN Headquarters after becoming the US President.
Trump enquired about the economic progress of Bangladesh and Sheikh Hasina in reply said, ‘Doing well.’
Meanwhile, Indian Minister for External Affairs Sushma Swaraj had a brief meeting with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on board the plane while travelling from Abu Dhabi to New York on Sunday and reiterated her country’s stance on Rohingya issue saying, ‘India is definitely with Bangladesh and they will help it (Bangladesh) to resolve the problem.’
Foreign Secretary Shahidul Haque said the Indian Minister for External Affairs will visit Bangladesh on 23-24 October to attend the India-Bangladesh joint commission meeting.
She apprised the Prime Minister about the upcoming meeting.
Meanwhile, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) head Filippo Grandi expressed his willingness to help Bangladesh on the issue of Myanmar refugee problem.
‘He also wanted to visit Bangladesh,’ Shahidul Haque said.
Prime Minister Sheikh Haisna said all the organisations of the UN will help Bangladesh, but the registration of the Rohingya refuges will be done by Bangladesh Army.