Ten-foot snake stops traffic before drivers help it cross road

A 10-foot-long (three-metre) anaconda brought vehicles to a screeching halt on a busy Brazilian highway this week, but thanks to some kind commuters, there were no casualties - either human or snake.
Cars and trucks came to a stop on the BR-364 interstate when drivers spotted the approximately 30-kilogram snake in the middle of the road near the northwestern city of Porto Velho, Brazilian news outlet G1 Globo reported, reports stuff.co.n.
Rather than drive around it or wait for it to pass, videos on social media show drivers getting out of their vehicles to help it across the road.
‘We decided to stop the car and get out,’ Italo Nascimento Fernandes told The Dodo. ‘There are no signs for the cars to wait so she can cross. I have seen snakes run over on the highway before and think such thing is a crime.’
Fernandes signalled to oncoming traffic to stop until the snake was safely across and ‘many people quickly appeared and also helped’, he said.
‘It’s not everyone who protects animals like that. Some people prefer to see them dead. Seeing all the people help gave a wonderful sensation.’
The serpent climbed over the centre guardrail before slithering its way to safety on the other side.
Biologist Flavio Terassini said the snake was about 10 years old and would have attempted the crossing in search of food or shelter, adding that they eat rodents, cats and dogs.
An adult anaconda can reach up to eight metres in length and weigh 200kg, he said.
While anacondas such as this one are not venomous, Terassini warned against filming potential dangerous species, which can attack if they feel threatened.