Saudi oil minister sees eventual end of fossil fuels

Saudi Arabia’s Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi talks to journalists before a meeting of OPEC oil ministers at OPEC’s headquarters in Vienna on 27 November 2014. Photo: Reuters
Paris: Saudi oil minister Ali Al-Naimi said on Thursday the kingdom envisaged the fact that fossil fuels could become unnecessary before the middle of the century and was investing in renewable energy for that reason.
‘In Saudi Arabia, we recognise that eventually, one of these days, we are not going to need fossil fuels, I don’t know when, in 2040, 2050... so we have embarked on a programme to develop solar energy,’ he told the Business and Climate conference in Paris.
‘Hopefully, one of these days, instead of exporting fossil fuels, we will be exporting gigawatts, electric ones. Does that sound good?’ he asked, to applause in the audience.
He added that he still expected fossil fuels to dominate the world’s energy mix in the near future.