Two jailed for arranging child marriage in Narail

Narail: A mobile court on Wednesday sentenced two persons to seven days’ imprisonment for arranging marriage of an underage girl in Lohagara upazila in Narail.
Parents of both the bride and groom completed preparations for holding the marriage of Nadira Khanum, 15, daughter of Rezaul Sheikh of Kasimpur union under Lohagara upazila, with Khair Sheikh, 24, son of Abul Kalam Sheikh of Noragati thana of the district.
Being informed, the mobile court led by Md Salim Reza, upazila nirbahi officer (UNO) and executive magistrate, reached the spot along with police, stopped the marriage and pronounced the verdict.
The convicts are Rezaul Sheikh, father of Nadira Khanum, and groom Khair Sheikh.
Later, the convicts were sent to jail.