Watch: Snake found eating pigeon on busy London street

A boa constrictor was filmed apparently trying to eat a pigeon on an east London street.
Stunned shoppers could not believe their eyes when they saw the snake wrapped around the bird in the middle of a pathway outside a shop in Leytonstone, reports the Mirror.
Dave Fawbert, the editor of Shortlist magazine, shared an image on Twitter with the caption: ‘Just a python eating a pigeon on Leytonstone High Road #LondonLife’.
Rachel Garland, 29, who saw the incident told the BBC : ‘It was really cool, you never see anything like that.
‘I wasn’t scared because it was moving so slowly and it was completely wrapped up in its pigeon.
‘It was just trying to eat the pigeon, it wasn’t taking any notice of all the people.’
The RSPCA said an inspector had gone to the scene and that the snake was taken to a nearby wildlife centre, where it was being assessed.
RSPCA inspector Rebecca Bedson said: ‘I’m very keen to find out how he came to be in such a dangerous situation.
‘Exposed like that on a street could have meant anything might have happened to him - he could have been run over by a car or attacked by another animal.
‘It might be that he is an escaped pet, or more worryingly, someone may have deliberately dumped him and left him to fend for himself.’
She went on: ‘Either way, anybody with any information can give me a call in complete confidence on our inspector’s appeal line by phoning 0300 123 8018.’
The RSPCA has urged potential reptile owners to do their research about what care is needed before taking on the responsibility of an exotic pet.