Video: Tea lovers should try Pune’s Tandoori Tea once

Photo: Collected
New Delhi: For a nation of tea-drinkers, the idea of chai with a ‘tandoori tadka’ may prove a little hard to swallow.
The innovative hot beverage is being served up in Pune's Chai-Laand has caused quite a stir on social media.
Pramod Bankar and Amol Rajdeo, the men behind the concept, tell news agency ANI the idea for ‘tandoori tea’ stems from the milk made by their grandmothers in their village. They decided to use a similar method to make tea.
‘In this unique tea-making process, kulhads are roasted in a pre-heated tandoor. Then, semi-cooked tea is poured into the extremely hot kulhads to bubble over as it finishes cooking. The hot clay pot gives the tea a smoky flavour,’ Rajdeo explained to ANI.